Saturday, July 21, 2012

the surprise element

i went to see the dark night rises at 11:25 p.m. last night, hence, i didn't get to blog. so consider this yesterday's post..


last night was the last night of camp and campers gave testimonies about the week in front of the parents. a girl from my track which i had served beside this week got up and shared.

she told the group about how awesome she thought her leaders were and that they all called me "mommy amy." she went on to tell the group about how i would never tell them where they were going or what they were doing next. i wouldn't tell them what they were doing for late night or where they'd be going for their service project. the only thing i would say is "don't worry..i'm going to take care of you."

little did i know that my love for the surprise element of camp would teach us all a lesson. i am humbled by the way God uses something so small to teach something so significant, how in His BIGness He uses my smallness to impact. the girl went on to explain that this helped her understand how her future/plans must be given completely to God. she does not know what is next and she doesn't need to know because she knows God has got it. she doesn't have to try to figure it out, but simply live.

we don't really know what the next moment will bring. the next moment might surprise us, but it won't surprise our Omniscient God. all we can do is live life in this moment. let the moment be, not afraid of what it is.

ride the wave.

live life here and hear Him say, "don't worry..I'm going to take care of you." it's a promise, and He is the Promise Keeper.

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