Sunday, July 15, 2012

reach out

i spent the weekend with my roommate at her house in lorena, tx, right outside of waco. after knowing her for four years, i had never experienced, had never known this part of her life. i knew she was from the country, but until i went, saw, felt, smelt, touched this place of her life, i never really knew where she came from. i more fully understand her now. i celebrate her more than i had before. i stood in awe of the uniqueness of the place. "this is SO cool.." i couldn't stop saying.

country roads soothe my soul. . from corn stalks, to gravel roads, craftin, and a blanket of stars. naps and movies. antiquing and going to the farmers market. sunsets. i relaxed..what a foreign, yet gradually more known concept. my soul breathed.

going new places, getting out of the routine and away from the familiar, always makes me more inclined to the Lord. it seems as though i notice Him more in these places. am able to hear Him more clearly.

this weekend i pondered the question: why am i who i am? why out of everyone am i living where i'm living, doing what i'm doing? how did God choose my personality for me? why do i act certain ways and love certain things? why do i enjoy this set of things, and not another? why was she raised in the country, and i in a suburb? will i one day settle in the country?

"From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us." -Acts 12:26-27

i reached this weekend, and found.

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