Saturday, July 21, 2012

a case of the squirms

held yet squirrming.
like a baby kicking in the arms of their parent.
"stay right here, stop moving. just be here."
finally sighing. movement stopped.
just sitting and letting the moment be the moment without
trying to run away from it or make it more than it needed to be.

so many times i plea with Abba to just hold me,
but the thing i don't realize is that He already is.
even when i don't feel it.
so i continue to squirm, moving about from side to side.
trying to do more. productivity.
i try to get up out of His lap when He is bidding:
"stay right here, stop moving. just be here with Me."

i'm rocked back and forth.
the squirms are soothed.

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