Thursday, July 19, 2012

i can't be your hero

it's amazing to me the story hidden beneath, how much people bottle in.
we don't talk about it because we think we're not supposed to. but that's a lie from the enemy.
there is power,  healing power in talking about what is plaguing your mind and heart. talking it out is a release. we find ourselves..stuck. talking about what's going on is the oil that gets the healing wheel turning.
it's amazing to me how these conversations can get going, how real talk can come about at the most spontaneous times.

why is it that people are comfortable talking to complete strangers (counselors) about their issues rather than the people closest to them? you go to them and talk things out, but they don't do life with you daily. what do you do when someone pours their heart out on you and you know that you'll never get to see them again? what do you do when it breaks your heart and you carry their pain around with you? what do you do when someone is dying inside and there is nothing you can do to help them? when they don't even want help? when they believe the way things are is the way they will always be?

"amy, you can't be everyone's hero. it's not your job to save people, Jesus already came to do that."
this is hard for me to accept at times, but it is such a freeing truth.

i can't imagine the burdens some people are carrying out there, hearing theirs makes mine seem easy to bear.
today listened to things it hurts my heart to hear about.
it doesn't make sense to me, but i know You're working for your glory.

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