Seasons of life, seasons of the soul, seasons of nature,
seasons. I love this concept and seeing things through the lens of seasons. I
love asking others what season they find themselves in, what the theme is of
the season they are walking in. I love comparing seasons of life with seasons
in nature. When I was an RA I themed my hall around the seasons of the soul.
Seasons are how I understand life. But what about when the season is unclear?
Like a snow storm in the middle of August.
“Lord, if someone
were to ask me what season I am in right now I don’t think I’d be able to
answer them…everything seems too scattered to put into words…I don’t really
know where I am at.” My heart spoke.
But who says that in itself is not a season? A season of not
knowing your season. A season of transition. A season of finding a new normal. A season where
God is hard to find, even though you know He is there [and in this you catch
yourself focusing so much on the actual act of seeking that you miss Him all
together]. A season where you aren’t seeing your growth but sense it gradually.
The pot is stirring inside, God is cooking something up. When the time has
reached it fulfillment spring will come and the bud will bloom, breaking
through the callouses on your heart. But what if it doesn’t? God is still God.
And life will still go on.
Because seasons DO change, just not always in the “natural”
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