Sunday, July 8, 2012

sniff the moment..

consider this saturday's post:

well, it looks like time had another lesson for me to learn today. so this pretty neat blessing of a guy in my life (aka my boyfriend) thought he'd be cool and jump off this inflatable into the lake a few weeks ago at camp. but what wasn't cool was that he fell on the side of his face, his ear slamming the water..damage. not thinking it was too big of a deal, he did nothing about it. he got his wisdom teeth pulled and we thought that maybe the antibiotic for his teeth would help what we were thinking was swimmer's ear. the trauma of his teeth took the focus off of his ear, but when that pain started subsiding, it was evident that his ear was not okay. "we're going to carenow tomorrow," was my response.

[sometimes we become stubborn when it comes to receiving the grace of medicine and doctors. yes, i believe God is our Healer, both of our spiritual sickness and physical. but in that He callas people to be doctors..this is a form of healing. when we refuse to receive help from doctors, we are refusing help for the Lord. i know i am at fault for this. but me trying to be brave and suck something up, refusing to take medicine/going to see the doctor, i am not being loving towards others or being a very good asset to the body of Christ. when i am not feeling well, or in pain, i am not at my best..i can become irritable. also in this time of sickness, the enemy tries to scheme and take advantage of my weakness. not going to the doctor not only hurts you, but it hurts others..and this has nothing to do with my was just a tangent].

arriving at carenow it is an hour to an hour and a half wait. we head over to target to pass the time. walking through the aisles carelessly was strange for me. i don't remember ever going to that target without a mission, something to find. usually, i would rush in, grab what i need, then rush out. once again, time had boxed me in..but this time constraint, this waiting period, ending up being so refreshing (unlike yesterday). i had nowhere else to go, nowhere else i needed to be, and that freed me to enjoy where i was.

i spent a long time on the candle aisle (i REALLY enjoy candles), sniffing all kinds of scents. as the smells shot up my nostrils, my affections for Jesus were stirred. then i realized, here i am, worshiping God by smelling candles. time froze as i got to consider how neat our senses are. and how creative our Creator is to give us the ability to smell.  I considered the God given pleasure of scent. and that He was thoughtful enough to create varied scents, because He is a personal God, He knows that certain scents would be more enjoyable than others for different people. and then i wondered, what will Heaven smell like?

in the candle aisle, time taught me that the sweet aroma of Christ can be found in the most unexpected places if you but slow down and sniff in the moment.

>for all of you who are wondering what happened when we got back to carenow, the doctor looked in Austin's ear and goes "i don't think you have an ear drum..." he looked again and said "yeah, you might have a tiny fraction of it left." woah. in all its neatness, it also sounds so very painful. ear drops and an antibiotic should do the trick. even though they were on the expensive side, it was a small price to pay considering the greater cost of a potential permanent loss of hearing. thank God for medicine! and the reality that our flesh will fail, but our God never will<

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