Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Love never lets when do we?

go watch those and then come back to my post..

now, i sometimes have trouble with writting stuff like this just because sometimes it's so hard to put experiences into want to capture your thoughts, the moment..well here's my attempt..both of these songs have meant alot to me through the past year of my walk with the Lord. but it wasn't until last night that i realized why.

coming to college was a turning point, running away from to running back into the arms of my Great Love. i guess back then i had thought that my Father was disappointed in me and had wanted nothing to do with me. i had let Him go, grasping onto other things. so it would make no sense that He would still be holding onto me. last night was one of those nights where you find yourself crying at the feet of Jesus and it is sometimes at those times where the Lord speaks to us the most, when we're broken..and this time He did. through one of these songs He spoke loud and clear. He never let go of me, He always held on..even when i didn't want to be in the palm of His hand, even when i was unaware. i realized at that moment that when i decided to reach out my hand and hold onto Him again, that it was no shock to Him, because all along He had been holding on, He never changes, He is always the same. my Father was holding my hand through it all..happy moments. difficult moments. every moment. now i understand why these songs mean so much to me, they tell my story..of a Love that never let goes..a Love that has pretty long arms that continue to reach us no matter how high or low we find ourselves..

but i also learned something else last night as i was trying to take control and get things done my way. as humans we are always trying to hold onto something. there are things we never want to let go of..situations, plans, people, places, possessions..and the list goes on. i came to the realization that if we really want to see the power of a Love that never lets go, we have to let go so that Love can do its part. we have to let go of situations and plans so that Love's will shall be done. we must let go of people so that we don't interfere with what Love's work in their hearts and lives, and so that we don't find ourselves holding onto them, loving them more than Love. we must let go of places so that we can go where Love leads, where our love is needed. we must let go of possessions because they are meaningless and will slip through our fingers like sand. we must let go of all of these things because we find ourselves slipping away from His grasp when our hands are occupied holding onto these.

but one thing i know for sure..the only thing that matters is holding onto Love. get a firm grasp on Love, hold tight, and never let go..

He'll show you when it's time to hold on, time to let go..

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