Sunday, July 26, 2009

no greater love..

a famous philosopher, miley cyrus, once concluded that life isn't about where you end up, not about the destination, but about the journey, the climb.

so i figured that as i go through my life, my journey, my climb, i wanted to document pieces of here i am..blogging.

this blog is one about of a life committed to living in Love. no, not the romantic oo la la type. but about a greater kind of Love. One that laid down His life for His friends. one that never fails. one that never ends. the love of Christ, no greater love than that.

lately, i have just been more in awe and captivated with the love Christ so freely pours out on us. so many times people take our love forgranted, they take part of us that they don't deserve. they abuse our love. but the Lord never takes from us. His love is like a never ceasing fountain that showers us. i think the best way to love the Lord is to love His people. therefore, His love is the one that inspires me to take action. i have come to the conclusion that the best way to show Christ to others is to simply love. love takes all kind of forms..and as i continue to discover them..i wanted to share.

may you everyday, in everyway, live in Love..

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