Monday, March 12, 2012

blessings beheld in a bone

sitting on the sofa there in front of me sat a precious pooch gnawing on his bone. his teeth kept digging into the same spot on the bone, over and over. each time pieces of the bone were chiseled away by his sharp teeth. he tore the thing apart piece by piece. at times he would get a little excited and want to swallow big pieces of the bone, but realized that they would not go down his throat. he took a break for awhile, leaving a piece of the bone he was working on next to me. "he'll forget he put it there, i'm sure." i thought. but a few minutes later he came back in to fetch it and continue on. nothing else could distract him from his work on that bone..he was in the zone. what about the constant chewing of that bone was so pleasurable to that dog? what value did it have to him? i did a little research and found that there is rich fat nutrients in bone marrow. i also found that dogs enjoyed working the strength of their jaw with bones.

God used this to remind me of a simple truth i so often stray from. we as Christians are to approach Scripture the way a dog approaches a bone. it is not supposed to be something we easily digest, but something that takes time and effort. we have to peel back the layers of Scripture like a dog has to chisel away at the bone. when we try to swallow Scripture quickly, we do not get the full richness of what the passage is trying to tell us, we get the half truth, we read out of context, and we end up being choked by something that is supposed to set us free. there are times when we can sit down the Word to go put into action what we have been learning, but we must always return to chew and process it more. we must fight any distractions around us when we dig into the Bible. it takes our undivided devotion and discipline to be in it daily and wrestle with what it says. God's Word is what we live by, it is our spiritual nutrients. reading His Word strengthens us, and sharpens us.

dogs go back to bones they have buried and dig them up with such determination. have you dug into the Word the same way lately?

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