Friday, October 2, 2009

when storms rage..

"It was when I was happiest that I longed most...The sweetest thing in all my life has been the find the place where all the beauty came from."

life is beautiful. and as we tend to define what makes it this way we tend to forget where the true beauty the trials. you see "God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: it is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world." lately i have become more aware of the beauty which lies in my trials. as i am still amidst them, i find that it is the hope that some day soon they will turn to beauty that keeps me going most days. but on top of that i have been able to grasp a new concept which i was reminded of again today.

GOD CHOOSES OUR TRIALS FOR US! this just boggles my mind. just think about only are we created for a purpose, but He picks the trials He allows in to our lives so that He can mold us into the people we are and to prepare us for what only He knows is to come. our valleys are His mountain peeks as He gives us a chance to fight, grow stronger, and cling to Him with all we have. and not only does He plop us down and throw us into the fire of trials..BUT HE WALKS THROUGH THEM WITH US! HE GIVES US THE TRIAL AND THE DIRECTIONS TO FIND OUR WAY OUT!!! it's kind of like walking with a blind fold on yet having someone hold your hand and walk you all the way through, directing you, and preventing you from going way off track or doing really awful damage. but the thing is you have to RELY on Him. you have to acknowledge His presence and LET HIM CARRY YOU! (and remember that sometimes His way of being there for us is sending angels, or even people here on Earth to help us through. i am a strong believer that God reveals Himself through other people in the body..that He does His work through don't have to do this alone, and you don't have to feel like God is too distant..He IS here among us. He is in you and me, His children).

so when you're wondering why you're in a trial, why God lets Satan run rampant around and allows him to have his hand on you..REMEMBER THAT GOD'S GRASP IS FIRMER! Satan may be able to be able to have you in his hand, but HE CAN NEVER TAKE YOUR LIFE!

when we are precious to God we become important to Satan. but in those moments when we begin to fight Satan off and he attacks us even harder..the Lord is faithful at being glued by our side. even when we don't FEEL His presence, we can take great comfort in KNOWING that HE IS WITH US. we must cling to Hebrews 13:5..we must cling to truth.

remember..these trials, this pain, these moments in the valley..He brings them upon us because HE LOVES US and His goal is to use them to urge us to fall deeper into His love, the only love that will get us through these moments of our lives.

when all you have is God, you have all you need. and through these times where you feel lost in the wilderness with no strength to even begin to find your way home, when the waters rage and the winds are violent, know that there He will speak to you tenderly, reveal Himself to you, wait out the storm, and bring you safely to shore, He will bring you safely home. anchor yourself to Truth.

"so much is distilled in our tears, not the least of which is wisdom in living life. i have learned that if you follow your tears, you will find you heart. and if you find your heart, you will find what is dear to God. and if you find what is dear to God, you will find the answer to how you should live life." -ken gire

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