Sunday, October 11, 2009

Hinds' Feet on High Places

sooooooo amy has a new favorite book..

"the lessons of accepting and triumphing over evil, of becoming 'acquainted with grief' and pain, and, ultimately, of finding them transformed into something incomparably precious; of learning through constant glad surrender to know the Lord of Love Himself in a new way and to experience unbroken union with Him--these are the lessons of the allegory in this book."

"the Lord God maketh my feet like hinds' feet, and setteth me upon mine High Places" (Psalm 18:33 and Habakkuk 3:19)

“every circumstance in life, no matter how crooked and distorted and ugly it appears to be, if it is reacted to in love and forgiveness and obedience to Your will can be transformed..You purposely allow us to be brought into contact with the bad and evil things that YOU WANT CHANGED. perhaps it is the very reason why we are here in this world, where sin and sorrow and suffering and evil abound, so that we may let You teach us so to react to them, that out of them we can create lovely qualities to live for ever. that is the only really satisfactory way of dealing with evil, not binding it so that it cannot work harm, but whenever possible, overcoming it with good.”

"to love does mean to put your SELF into the power of the loved one and to become vulnerable to pain, and you are very MUCH-AFRAID of pain are you not..but it is so happy to love. it is happy to love even if you are not loved in return. there is pain too, certainly, but Love does not think that very significant."

“nothing My Father and I have made is ever wasted..and the little wild flowers have a wonderful lesson to teach. they offer themselves so sweetly and confidently and willingly, even if it seems that there is no one to appreciate them. just as though they sang a joyous little song to themselves, that it is so happy to love, even though one is not loved in return..”

“all the fairest beauties in the human soul, its greatest victories, and its most splendid achievements are always those which no one else knows anything about, or can only dimly guess at. every inner response of the human heart to Love and every conquest over self-love is a new flower on the tree of Love. many a quiet, ordinary, and hidden life, unknown to the world, is a veritable garden in which Love’s flowers and fruits have come to such perfection that it is a place of delight where the King of Love Himself walks and rejoices with His friends. some of My servants have indeed won great visible victories and are rightly loved and reverenced by other men, but always their greatest victories are like the wild flowers, those which no one knows about.”

“only Love can really understand the music and the beauty and the joy which was planted in the heart of all created things.”

“then she looked at the Shepherd and suddenly knew she could not doubt Him, could not possibly turn back from following Him; that if she were unfit and unable to love anyone else in the world, yet in her trembling, miserable little heat, she did love Him. Even if He asked the impossible, she could not refuse.”

“it is not contradiction, only postponement for the best to become possible.”

“remember is always safe to obey My voice, even if it seems to call you to paths which look impossible or even crazy.”

“the heart knoweth its own sorrow and there are times when, like David, it is comforting to think that our tears are put in a bottle and not one of them are forgotten by the One who leads us in paths of sorrow.”

“I love doing preposterous things..why I don’t know anything more exhilarating and delightful than turning weakness into strength, and fear into faith, and that which has been marred into perfection. If there is one thing more than another which I should enjoy doing at this moment it is turning a jellyfish into a mountain goat.”

“nothing can do you any real harm while you are following the path of My will.”

“don’t ever allow yourself to begin trying to picture what it will be like. believe me, when you get to the places which you dread you will find that they are as different as possible from what you have imagined..”

“Love is beautiful, but it is also terrible—terrible in its determination to allow nothing blemished or unworthy to remain in the beloved.”

“He will never be content until He makes me what He is determined I ought to be.”

“it is the loveliest movement in all the world…to cast oneself down is to abandon oneself to ecstasy and joy indescribable.”

“at first sight perhaps the lead does look terrible..but as you can see, the water itself finds no terror in it, no moment of hesitation or shrinking, only joy unspeakable, and full of glory, because it is the movement natural to it. self-giving is its life. it has only one desire, to go down and down and give itself with no reserve or holding back of any kind. you can see that as it obeys that glorious urge the obstacles which look so terrifying are perfectly harmless, and indeed only add to the joy and glory of the movement.”

“always go forward along the path of obedience as far as you know it until I intervene, even if it seems to be leading you where you fear I could never mean you to go..”

“TRUTH cannot be understood from books alone or by any written words, but only by personal growth and development in understanding, and that things written even in the BOOK OF BOOKS can be astonishingly misunderstood while one still lives in the low levels of spiritual experience and on the wrong side of the grave on the mountains..”

"every acceptance of His will becomes an altar of sacrifice, and every such surrender and abandonment of ourselves to His will is a means of furthering us on the way to the High Places to which He desires to bring every child of His while they are still living on earth."

if even ONE of those quotes spoke to you, you NEED to read Hinds' Feet on High Places by Hannah me, you'll love it.

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