Wednesday, January 18, 2012

when we're not ready..

spring semester is upon us and i am treading to stay afloat. after Christmas break being far from a break, i realize how exhausted, weary, and worn i am. and so the whirlwind hit yesterday, and i was not ready. i had not taken the time to brace myself for what was to hit. and i felt the tidal wave crash. and the storm began to shake my boat. but then i remembered i was standing on the Rock. i remembered who my Anchor was, and that He is unshakable, He stands unconsumed, unoverwhelmed. i'm not ready, but i'm gripping to my Anchor and i know He will see me safely to shore, whether that shore is in sight or a long ways off, i have this Hope as an anchor for my soul. He may not silence the storm, but He delights in silencing His child in through the storm.

today i read this in a blog by Kate Davis, and it spoke right to my heart:

“God does not wait for the world to get ready, He enters right into the mess...He doesn’t mind that I am not ready yet and He doesn’t mind the wretched condition of my heart or the stench of my sin. God’s time is now and He enters into the mess, ready or not. His perfect timing, now. Now is where He has called us. And we are just not ready yet. We need to clean up the house a bit and pray a little more and seek more counsel and we don’t know how to do that yet and oh, we have our excuses. And God says, “I’m here now, and I am ok with the mess because I am here for the messy.” God doesn’t need us to be ready for Him; He has been ready for us since the beginning of time and the Messiah is here calling us to commune with the Holy One, to eat at His table. Looking back I remember that never, not once, was I really as ready as I wanted to be. And I remember that God kept all His promises, every last one, in His perfect time. This new season looms and I don’t know what is next. But He doesn’t need me to be ready for this season because He is ready. He just needs me to be clinging to His feet. Now, God’s perfect time.”

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