Sunday, September 20, 2009

unfailing Love..

"it should be obvious that the One who designed us for Himself would leave us unfilled with our other suitors. only He can satisfy, because we were created ONLY FOR HIM."

have you ever come to a point in your life where your heart feels like a desert? so dry, after pouring out love like a steady stream? the world continues to just take and take from your heart. you give yourself to other lovers, you waste your love on things that can't love you back. you try to fill your heart back try many things, nothing works, nothing fulfills. so you just go on and exist, heart empty. drained. dry. YOU WANT TO FEEL AGAIN. and then one day something happens. a spark. a movement in your chest. your heart is beating again!

and you realize something. all along Love was lavishing love upon your heart like a steady stream, filling your love cup again. you ask if Love was there all along, why wasn't i FEELING His love? well, friends, it's not about feeling love, but KNOWING love. love is not a feeling, contrary to popular demand. love cannot be defined, because it takes so many shapes.

at times the Lord drains our hearts of love so that He can replenish us with a new, unpolluted, type of love, His love. you know when a pool gets all groody and the owner has to drain it in order to refill it with fresh water? i think it's the same with our hearts. we contaminate them, giving them to other lovers. our God is a jealous lover, and when we surrender to love that is not from Him, He wages war. and that war includes the removal, the draining of our hearts. it can truly take a toll on the human heart, but in those moments we must cling to His promise in Hebrews 13:5 that He "will never leave [us] nor forsake [us]." as your heart is put throw the ringer, He is there, holding it in His hand, battling for it. and He has already won.

plop your heart in the lap of your Father. and rest in the fact that it will be guarded with the utmost protection there. let your heart beat with His. let Him fill you, so you can pour out again.

in the moments where you FEEL Love has failed you, remember the TRUTH that "Love never fails." -1 Corinthians 13:8

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