Thursday, August 20, 2009

empty handed..

do you ever wonder why we cling so tightly to certain things in our lives? is it because without them we don't know who we are? are we afraid that if we let them go we will loose everything? do we worry that it couldn't get any better than how it is? either way the love of these things, the way they make us feel, and the satisfaction we get from them keeps us from the full Love experience. instead of finding our joy, fulfillment, and identity in Love, we find ourselves in an identity crisis each time life rips the rug out from under us.

sometimes we spend our whole lives chasing after something and when we finally reach the finish line, we realize that we were running after the wrong thing all along. we are left tired and burnt out and getting back on the track is the hardest thing to do. many people decide never to get back in the chase.

why is it that we are never satisfied? because we are looking for satisfaction in the wrong things. love of things, of people, of power. when it all comes down to it there is only one thing that God. love people.

sometimes Love will take things away from you to draw you back into His arms, into His embrace. you see He wants our full hearts..not just pieces that we are willing to let go, that we are willing to give, not just the leftovers..Love wants your WHOLE HEART..and trust me, He is the only one worth giving it to. the world continues to take and rip apart your heart..but i promise the only thing Love does is pour back into it, heal it, guards it, and keeps it beating.

realize that when He takes something or someone you "love" away from you, He is not doing it to leave you with nothing. trust that Love will never leave you empty handed. know that He loves you too much to just plop you down and observe you fumble your way through to the end. find who you are in Him. live with arms open wide..

"God will never leave you empty. if something is taken away, He will replace it with something better. if He denies your request in a certain area, it is because He wishes to give you what is best. if He asks you to put something down, it is so you can pick up something greater." -roy lessin

you can't receive with full hands..empty your hands so that you can grasp His sweet love.

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