Saturday, May 11, 2013

the flight

glimpses of the cage door flinging open, seen-glistening
whispers of the free flight, heard-scattering

your migration to a new location for the next season's cycle is on the horizon,
the search for the new normal near to commence

the new destination yet disclosed
still you've found a way out
bittersweet, sad to go but needing breath from this suffocation
your wings will atrophy if they stick here to your sides much longer
it's time to go
by faith, not sight

laying in limbo
the in between
exciting yet terryfing

you're about to step into a tornado, this you know
but you're friends with Refuge, the Eye of the storm
you can reside, rest there
even while it all spin spin spins

the winds will stretch you
the more blowing bluster-- the more resilient roots
weed out apathy
the tree stays grounded
the trunk and limbs unchanged
despite the varying color or lack of leaves

shaking up the gravel
stirring up the pot
moving out of comfortable
exposes quite alot

this tide has surely changed you
and it will turn again
it comes and goes in waves
so that more of Him remains
not who you were, not yet who you are

through the lens of The Word you've been taught and strain to see
sometimes wondering what you have to offer, even though the Giver has gifted many things
to be re-gifted for His glory, yet how can this be?
when you realize how small the world you've been living in is compared to your Creator's galaxies.

feeling so small, tossed at sea, in a world that screams "individuality"
but you are free, free to focus on your role in the Body
The Head created each other part before the start
before just one day came to be He had a unique plan for thee.
you don't have to be a toe when you were made a finger
yet why does this unimportant, disconnected, feeling linger?
wanting to leave a mark, shine Light in the dark
searching for a place to belong, a place for the soul to sing its song

it won't be the picture perfect way you think
it will mean alot of relinquishing
ashes of dreams that die
for only One desire will satisfy
fighting to not let longing slay living
temporary other desires not becoming ultimate
yet, they are still legitimate
potential to weave you and Eternity together more intimate

fasten your seat-belt, The Captain confirmed a bumpy ride
wings spread steady, runway ready for the flight
with a sigh you realize you'll find yourself in this position again
and then you feel the rush of hope as the wind hits your skin
breathing in remembrance of His promise that in the end He will make all things right
you dive off the ledge into adventure yielding delight

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