Friday, December 23, 2011

gratitude is the memory of the heart..

due to recent events my heart has took a trip down memory lane, into the historical museum "artifacts of amy's past." i've visited this place often. and i've dreaded it. i would have loved to have given up my tickets of entry. before it's been more like a trap for me, always wanting to leave. each time walking out weighted down with pieces of the rubble on my back, bondage. this time i waltz through the halls. this time i take my time to slowly examine each exhibit carefully, fingering the pictures. i notice the brushstrokes. the beautiful details which consummate together into a beautiful masterpiece. to my surprise the pieces of the puzzle fit. God knew what He was doing all along. why did i doubt? breathing it all in. it all makes sense. i can see the big picture (even though there is an even larger one to be revealed in days to come). this time i leave with a satchel full of memorial stones, causing my heart to remember, and fizz over with thanks! just like the memorial stones in the middle of the Jordan, mine remind me of the places God has led me from. in the Bible, the word remember is repeated countless times. this word now leaps off the page at me, for i have realized how forgetful i am..forgetful of all God is and all He has done. my forgetfulness leads to ungratefulness which yields a dissonance in my walk with my Savior. the Israelites are told to remember that the Lord led them out of Egypt, out of some of the worst times in their lives. my memorial stones mark this same leading in my life. although they were the "worst times" they were the best times. i've walked through fire, but He's made me brighter, leading me into, beautiful places. God is faithful. God restores what is broken. He has made everything beautiful in HIS time. i remember asking God to make me a more thankful person, and He has, in a very unexpected way. looking back no longer makes me cringe, for i look back the grace healed eyes. i pray that He will continue to make me thankful, not just when times are good, but because HE is good.

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into clarity, problems into gifts, failures into success, the unexpected into perfect timing, and mistakes into important events. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow."-Melody Beattie

may your heart remember today, may gratitude be the key which unlocks the way..

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