Monday, January 11, 2010

hard to love..

"i am the thorn in Your crown..i am the sweat from Your brow..i am the nail in Your wrist..i am Judas’ kiss, BUT YOU LOVE ME ANYWAY."

God still loves us after all of this yet we find it hard to make HIM the love of our life. ever find it hard to love God? i know i do. but i find that it is in these moments where i find it hard, it is because i forget who God is or i have stopped seeking and pursuing who He is. whenever i stop to remember who He is, i can't resist but to love Him.

Father, some people would say that it would be wrong for me to ask You to help me love You after all You have done for me, the greatest love and grace ever known. but You know everything about me, You remember that i am dust. You promise that you will do anything i ask in Your name and i know it is in Your will for me to love You. Your love is steadfast, relentless, persistent. HELP ME LOVE YOU! give me the strength and discipline to seek after You. to pursue You. to ache when i don't get to spend time with You. REMIND ME OF WHO YOU ARE, because i am so prone to forget. i want You, and when i don't want You, i want to want You. YOU AND ONLY YOU. thank You for loving me despite me.

may my love for You manifest itself in my love for others, just as You have loved me.

1 comment:

  1. Perfect love drives out all fear. Think about if we really lived like we believed that and how much God could be glorified in a life like that.
