Tuesday, September 2, 2014

sometimes the longer way is the shorter way

"When Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them by way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near. For God said 'lest the people change their minds when they see war and return to Egypt.' But God led the people around the way of the wilderness.." -Exodus 13:17-18

Victorious God, more than able to rescue us from anything, leads us out of slavery. Yet, in His mercy, His leading is slow, not forceful, careful, sensitive. Knowing we are weary, He takes precaution. Steering the Israelites away from immediate armed conflict which would prompt in the Israelites to one eighty turn back to Egypt, back into slavery, He eases them through the wilderness. Yes, it is a longer route, but it is a surer route to freedom. His goal is not just the rescue but full redemption. "Before the Lord calls Israel to trust that He will fight through them (as He will do later on their exodus) He will show them once again how He will fight for them." His fighting way? The wilderness. We see it--dry, desolate, void of His presence. He means it--protection.

Life buds in the desert, secluded from distractions which trap us again, taking us back to where we once longed to be set free. It expels the easy way, the urge to go back to where we were. A relationship, a mindset, an environment, an action, a circumstance, an idol. Without the protection of the wilderness we'd default back into these "comfortable" places, for they are the what we know, they've been where we've settled, but they aren't our home. The streams in the desert soothing our cracked places, smoothing our rough places. The desert protects and prepares. Even Jesus spent time there before He was launched off into His earthly ministry.

The wilderness of protection...because paradoxically, the longer way is the shortest way home.